Friday, March 6, 2020

Upcoming ACT Test Dates

Upcoming ACT Test Dates Prepare for Upcoming ACT Test Dates High school students have the opportunity register for one of the six ACT test dates each school year. The ACT exam is designed as a standardized achievement test to assess the college readiness of American high school students. You can elect to send your ACT scores to colleges and universities that you are interested in attending as part of your application portfolio. Your ACT score is an important indicator of your college potential and the degree to which you are prepared for advanced studies. Careful preparation for the ACT is crucial for maximizing your success. Huntington Learning Center is proud to offer a variety of programs designed to prepare students for the ACT exam. Our professional tutors are skilled at determining each student's level of readiness and crafting personalized preparation programs through either individual or group tutoring. These tutoring sessions will help you understand both the format and content of the ACT exam while boosting your confidence and readi ness.There are several ACT test dates remaining for the 2013-2014 school year; December 14, February 3, and April 12. As you prepare for the exam there are specific things you should do in the months, weeks, and days leading up to the ACT exam. In the months before the ACT exam: Createa study schedule Waiting until the last minute to cram for the ACT likely won't boost either your score or your confidence. The most effectiveway to prepare is to plan and maintain a consistent study schedule. Thisallows you time to map out all of your studying and ensure every area ofthe exam is covered during your preparation. Creating a consistent weeklyschedule is a great way to ensure the studying gets done. Make sure youhave extra study sessions on the schedule each week in case unforeseen circumstances arise. Enroll in ACT tutoring If the thought of preparing for the ACT exam seemsoverwhelming you may want to enroll in an exam prep program at HuntingtonLearning Center. We offer three different programs designed to fit anyneed. The Premier program is ideal for students with 6 to 8 weeks tocommit and will fully prepare you for the ACT exam. You can begin tutoringwith the 28-Hour program immediately and will benefit from the 5 to 7weeks of preparation. The 10-Hour program is perfect for students withlimited time who want to prepare in a single exam content area. In the weeks before the ACT exam: Take apractice test The ACT website offers several practice tests for your use. Scheduling time for a simulated test experience is a great way to prepare for exam day. You should mirror exact testing conditions asclosely as possible paying special attention to what tools you can use and time limits for each section. Score the practice exam when you arefinished to learn which areas still require additional preparation. Focus on your weakest areas Once you've completed the practice test you can use the results to modify your preparation schedule. If you feel confidentin an area shift your focus to others that may be weaker. Don't waste thedays leading up to the exam on subject areas that you are already fullyprepared for. In the days before the ACT exam: Confirmyour test time and location It's important to know exactly where yourtest center is and what time the exam begins. Verify this information withyour exam confirmation, the ACT website, and a map or other drivingdirections. If possible, take a test drive to find your exam center andknow exactly how long it will take to arrive. Understand test center rules All of the ACT test dates utilize the same testingguidelines and regulations. Understand what you can bring into the testing center, what items are approved for use on the exam, and the time limitsfor each section. Failing to follow these guidelines can result in adismissal from the exam center or a nullification of your score. Are you and your friends preparing for the upcoming ACT test dates? Share this important information with others that are preparing for the ACT exam.

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